I''m a big fan of indie movies. But they have to be entertaining and have an interesting story to tell. And there has to be at least one likable character in the movie. Well, that didn't happen here. All the people in this film are absolutely poor excuses for human beings. They're mean spirited, disgusting, treat each other like garbage, and swear constantly.
Dark Comedy? Nope. Sure it's dark, but there isn't a funny moment in the whole film. And it goes out of its way to disgust the viewer. It was bad enough to see the main character vomit repeatedly. But did we need to see a close up of her defecating? The scene leaves nothing to the imagination.
And the writing was horrible as well. Almost every other line of dialogue was a swear word. And I mean just about every cussword in the dictionary. Which is where the title of the movie comes with.
Naturally, Rotten Tomatoes gave it super high marks. Watch this one at your own risk! You've been warned!