In the opening, the boy throws a rock through the second floor window. The next day, Bobo is fixing the window, but it is on the first floor.
After Giselle falls down the stairs, Keith is explaining how the spirits gained power from the death. As the camera cuts away from him and back, the clock behind him gains and loses time.
When pretending to use a Ouija board, they instruct the spirit to move in a circle for no or a straight line for yes when asking if the woman shot herself. The glass moves in a circle to indicate yes. Then they ask if she shot herself in the head. The glass moves in a circle to indicate no.
Penny's boyfriend says, "Am I cra-" seconds before Craig asks him "Are you crazy?" when he is about to call 911.
When the party checks the 2nd floor of the house one of them says it's 10.30.
Almost 15 minutes later the clock downstairs still reads 10.30.