Nisemonogatari is the second title of the Monogatari series, release wise of course. First let me say this one is entirely about Koyomi's sisters, Araragi Karen and Araragi Tsukihi AKA the fire sisters. We can divide the whole anime into two parts, where the first one deals with Karen-chan and the second one deals with Tsukihi-chan. Bakemonogatari revealed next to nothing about Koyomi's sisters except that they somewhat existed. But as this series is mostly about them, you'll get to see them plenty.
If you think you have seen enough pervert activities of Koyomi in Bakemonogatari, Honey, you've seen nothing. Both his lolicon and siscon activities really bothered me because I actually kinda like this guy. His perversion knows no bounds. You'll get to see the sweet cute Hachikuji again. Her presence will give you joy (If you like her in the first place. I like her. So I was happy to see her again). Hanekawa will be in the series too. Sadly there was no Meme. You guys have no idea how I missed that guy. But, there will be two new characters, Kaiki Deishuu and Kagenui Yozoru. They are classmates of my beloved Meme-sama. But their presence only made me confused about Meme-sama's age. Because Kaiki looked like he is in his early 40's or late 30's. But I don't want to imagine Meme-sama being above his early 30's. Hmm. He was also the imposter exorcist that Senjougahara went to for her weight loss mystery. Kaiki Deishuu is voiced by Miki Shinichiro. I was again mesmerized by his talent in voice acting.
In the second part, Kageuni Yozoru arrives with her shikigami Ononoki Yotsugi. They are fine people. You will like them. But the last words of Yozoru gave me goosebumps.
I guess I'll end this with something Oshino-kun would never say. Sayonara.
In this anime you will see some action of Shinobu, the golden-haired vampire that lives under Koyomi's shadow (Imagine a vampire living under your shadow. How cool is that?!).
The anime follows the same pattern as the previous one. And Monogatari series has outstanding animation. No comment on that.
I have finished three titles of the Monogatari series by far (Yes, I have seen Nekomonogatari too). And one thing I can guarantee you is that the ending will never disappoint you.
Happy watching.