Known both as "Continuum" and "I'll Follow You Down." My wife and i were able to view it on TV streaming.
A brilliant professor travels from Canada to Princeton for a conference. When he is expected home he doesn't show up and a search seems to indicate that he just disappeared. His wife and young son are puzzled and it has an impact on their future lives.
I'll not say any more about the actual story because it can't be done without revealing key spoilers. It does involve backwards time travel, which we know from all experts is impossible, but it makes for good science fiction. Rather the story really becomes how one regards family and relationships and, if one could, would one change things at the expense of something else?
And even more important, if you had a new technology that could either greatly benefit the world, or used improperly greatly harm the world, should you announce it anyway? A parallel is drawn with Einstein's discoveries which as we now know can be used to destroy humanity if used in bombs.
Pretty good movie, all the actors are good.