This ten part Japanese series is centred on an unlikely pair. Takafumi Shimura a detective determined to bring the person who killed his junior partner three years previously to justice and Kiriko, a mysterious woman who identifies herself as 'Invisible', a near mythical underworld crime coordinator. Shimura's mission to catch his partner's killer remains an ongoing plot line through the series while individual murder mysteries occupy each episode; each involving a mysterious underworld character such as 'Trainer' and 'Doctor'.
I thought this series was rather fun, even if it wasn't quite as good as other Japanese series I've watched lately. The nature of the criminal network is hardly realistic but that isn't the point of the show; each unlikely criminal is enjoyably varied. There are some interesting twists, especially in the longer running plot lines. Once the villain is exposed this person becomes a delightfully over the top pantomime villain. The cast is solid, especially our two leads. Overall not the best Japanese crime drama I've seen but still rather fun.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.