- Loki: [turns Thor into Sif] Mmm, brother, you look ravishing!
- Thor: It will hurt no less when I kill you in this form.
- Loki: Very well. Perhaps you prefer one of your new companions, given that you seem to like them so much.
- [turns into Captain America]
- Loki: Oh, this is much better. Costume's a bit much... so tight. But the confidence, I can feel the righteousness surging. Hey, you wanna have a rousing discussion about truth,honor, patriotism? God bless America...
- [Thor flies the Harrow, but is off to a rocky start and destroys a lot of columns in the building]
- Loki: I think you missed a column.
- Thor: [about Frigga] You had her tricks, but I had her trust!
- Loki: Trust? Was that her last expression, trust? While you let her die?
- Thor: What good were you in your cell?
- Loki: Who put me there? WHO PUT ME THERE?
- [pins Loki]
- Thor: [lets go of Loki] She wouldn't want us to fight.
- Loki: Well, she wouldn't exactly be shocked.
- Thor: [smiles] I wish I could trust you.
- Loki: [whispers] Trust my rage.
- Loki: You know this is wonderful! This a tremendous idea! Let's steal the biggest, most obvious ship in the universe and escape in that! Flying around the city, smash it into everything in sight and everyone will see it! It's brilliant Thor! It's truly brillian...
- [Thor hurls Loki out of the ship, and jumps out with Jane in his arms... into a skiff piloted by Fandral]
- Fandral: [laughing] I see your time in the dungeon has made you no less graceful, Loki!
- Loki: You lied to me! I'm impressed.
- Dr. Erik Selvig: Your brother isn't coming, is he?
- Thor: Loki is dead.
- Dr. Erik Selvig: Thank God... I'm so sorry.
- [last lines]
- Odin: One son who wanted the throne too much, and other who will not take it. Is this my legacy?
- Thor: Loki died with honour. I shall try to live the same. Is that not legacy enough?
- [offers the hammer]
- Odin: It belongs to you, if you are worthy of it.
- Thor: I shall try to be.
- Odin: I can not give you my blessing, nor can I wish you good fortune.
- Thor: I know.
- [turns to leave]
- Odin: If I were proud of the man my son has become, even that I could not say, it would speak only from my heart. Go, my son.
- Thor: Thank you, Father.
- [leaves]
- Loki: [appears from Odin's guise] No... thank you.
- Loki: [mockingly comes to attention before Odin and laughs] I really don't see what all the fuss is about.
- Odin: Do you not truly feel the gravity of your crimes? Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death!
- Loki: I went down to Midgard to rule the people of Earth as a benevolent God, just like you.
- Odin: We are not gods! We're born, we live, we die, just as humans do.
- Loki: Give or take five thousand years.
- Odin: She does not belong here in Asgard any more than a goat belongs at a banquet table!
- Jane Foster: Did he just...?
- [outraged]
- Jane Foster: Who do you think you are?
- Odin: I am Odin. King of Asgard. Protector of the Nine Realms.
- Jane Foster: [chastened] Oh. Well I'm...
- Odin: I know very well who you are, Jane Foster.
- Jane Foster: [to Thor] You told your dad about me?
- Jane Foster: [Darcy and Ian appear through a portal while kissing] Darcy!
- Darcy Lewis: [She drops Ian] Jane!
- Dr. Erik Selvig: Ian!
- Ian Boothby: Selvig!
- Darcy Lewis: Mew-mew!
- [Mjölnir zooms by]
- Loki: [to Odin during his trial] It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just... I don't love them.
- Loki: Did she suffer?
- Thor: I did not come here to share our grief. Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament...
- Loki: Go on.
- Thor: I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help me escape Asgard, and I will grant it to you. Vengeance. And afterward, this cell.
- Loki: You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?
- Thor: I don't. Mother did. You should know that when we fought each other in the past, I did so with a glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me, and I will kill you.
- Loki: Hm. When do we start?
- Loki: [on Jane] Say goodbye.
- Thor: Not this day!
- Loki: This day, the next, a hundred years, it's nothing! It's a heartbeat. You'll never be ready. The only woman whose love you prized will be snatched from you.
- Thor: And will that satisfy you?
- Loki: Satisfaction's not in my nature!
- Thor: Surrender's not in mine!
- Darcy Lewis: Why are you smiling?
- Dr. Erik Selvig: There is nothing more reassuring than realizing that the world is crazier than you are.
- Jane Foster: That's a quantum field generator isn't it?
- Eir: It's a soul forge.
- Jane Foster: Does a soul forge transfer molecular energy from one place to another?
- Eir: [surprised] Yes.
- Jane Foster: [to Thor, quietly pleased] Quantum field generator.
- Jane Foster: [Jane's phone rings on Svartalheim with a rap song coming from it and Jane looks confusedly at Thor]
- Thor: It's not me.
- Einherjar Lieutenant: [reporting to Odin] There's no sign of Thor or the Aether. However, we found a body...
- [Odin turns and looks at the guard]
- Odin: Loki...
- [the Einherjar bring Jane a meal]
- Jane Foster: I'm not hungry.
- Sif: [knocks down the guards] Good! Come with me!
- [During credits]
- [Sif and Volstagg are guided by a red alien]
- Carina: I present to you, Taneleer Tivan, the Collector.
- [Sif and Volstagg meet Taneleer Tivan]
- The Collector: Asgardians, it's an honor...
- Sif: You know why we're here.
- [hands the Aether over to the Collector]
- The Collector: Of course. But if I may ask, why not keep it secure, in your own vault?
- Volstagg: The Tesseract is already on Asgard. It is not wise to keep two Infinity Stones so close together.
- The Collector: That's very wise. I can assure you, it will be absolutely safe here in my collection.
- Sif: See that it is.
- [Sif and Volstagg leave]
- The Collector: One down, five to go...