An intriguing documentary following the band from inception. Charts their hits as well as the insight into the relationships that drove and at times almost destroyed the band. Compelling viewing and I found myself watching it many times within 2 weeks of my first viewing. Highly recommended. Great personalities, trials, tribulations, and music that was produced through the backdrop of real life experience. It features comments from all the band members, which all seemed recent other than the clips from Christine, who retired from the band around 1998 and seems to not want much to do with them now – so comments from her were from a back-catalogue. Really intriguing comments from Buckingham and Nicks (interviewed in different places as they don't really get on) citing how 'Dreams' and 'Go your own way' were their own personal songs about their imminent break-up – but with quite different messages. I am worried that I will stop leaving the house and will just keep watching this documentary on a loop. Enjoy.