Not very often does a show captivate me as emotionally as Anohana does. Such a simplistic story yet has complex relationships and characters. The story focuses on the lives of five childhood friends who grow apart after the death of one of the group's members, Menmna, who suddenly appears as an apparition to the groups leader Jintan after her tragic death several years back. Menma tells Jintan, the only person who can see or touch her, that she is there to have her wish granted by him and the other members of the group. What that wish is remains a mystery throughout the show. What really shines in this series is the depth & dimensions of each character portrayed, as well as their contribution and connection to the story. So much emotion and passion comes from each actors role and makes for such a passionate and heart wrenching experience. This show will suck you in and give you a feeling of connection to the world and this small group of friends as they reunite and deal with the conflicting emotions that have been bottled up inside after the death of their long lost friend.