I have never, in my life, heard someone critique a movie just based off of a shaky cam or how it looks when the actors are being filmed. So why are we starting now? It's obviously supposed to be a low budget film or something they just couldn't cover a big budget on. When you watch the movie you realize that it wasn't necessary to put a whole lot into it financially and even with that being said, they still did an outstanding job of making you feel the way you were supposed to. That's really saying something. The movie was intended to be disturbing and I had to cover my mouth every once while because it did what it was supposed to do. I know people who have an opposing opinion will deny this completely. I get it. People have opinions. I will say that this is definitely NOT for young viewers because this movie is almost unsuitable for adults as well surprisingly. This is not just because of the disturbances but also because what's being done in the movie and how it's being done is all in the perspective of a mentally I'll person and you really step into this person's mind and try to make sense of what is happening. A lot of times I wouldn't comprehend what was going on, but at the same time, I DID only because I was in the room with the TV in front of me. I'm not going to spoil the movie because it really is a magnificent underrated movie. I warn you though, the acting is almost surreal and the movie feels almost terrifying as it is disturbing and kinda sad really.