In "The Sun of the Future," Nanni Moretti reinvents himself as a consummate filmmaker, expressing his views on the political world, streaming platforms, contemporary cinema, his personal life, and his relationship with his partner more forcefully than ever before. This astonishing Italian comedy delves into the critique of all these aspects through the film that the main character (played by Moretti) is filming.
Compared to "Dear Diary" (1993), which was more personal and, if I may say so, somewhat egocentric, "The Sun of the Future" stands out for being exceptionally political and romantic. This film perfects the autobiographical approach the director explored in his previous work.
The film serves as a starting point for an important debate about independent cinema and the strategies it must employ to survive in the streaming era. Moretti criticizes the current trend in which movies are expected to lay out their entire plot within the first two minutes, an illogical formula in his perspective and characteristic of the senseless surge of streaming in recent years.
Ultimately, "The Sun of the Future" is a work imbued with an underlying sentiment: love. Love is the driving force and the brake in the entire narrative, a crucial element that can change things for better or for worse.