The film tells the story of Tonino, a worker of the Fiat Mirafiori factory with a passion for tango and detached from the vicissitudes of politics. One day Tonino is drawn as a juror for the... Read allThe film tells the story of Tonino, a worker of the Fiat Mirafiori factory with a passion for tango and detached from the vicissitudes of politics. One day Tonino is drawn as a juror for the trial of the Red Brigades. Not realizing the situation, Tonino initially welcomes the con... Read allThe film tells the story of Tonino, a worker of the Fiat Mirafiori factory with a passion for tango and detached from the vicissitudes of politics. One day Tonino is drawn as a juror for the trial of the Red Brigades. Not realizing the situation, Tonino initially welcomes the convening with enthusiasm, seeing it as a way to get away from the factory, but as soon as he... Read all