This doesn't have too many votes yet, but it's a 5.7/10 on here so far. That's just crazy to me! Perhaps many of the people who've rated this film so far, have entirely forgotten, or perhaps never even realized, that they indeed are miracles.
This is a more thoughtful film than most, which in some regard revolves around fate and the human circumstance.
"It's like you wakeup one day, and you're just here. Like a stone, thrown into this world, but you don't know who threw it, or which direction it came from." - Maben
I would say it mostly revolves around two characters who have been through a lot of pain and struggle, and who are somewhat desperately trying to right their own paths.
"Maybe there will be a miracle, some way to begin again." - Maben
Not so sure why they're marketing this as an action genre film. Not a smart choice in my view. It's really not an action film overall. It's mostly a drama/thriller, and there are a few scenes with some action. In my view, marketing this as an action film will quite easily persuade some people to expect much more action than they should from it. And by doing this, the marketing team only sets some of these viewers up for at least some level of disappointment, because the expectation they set is not met. Some advice for the people behind this film, get a new marketing team for your next project. I'm certain there'd be less disappointed reactions if everyone just went into this film thinking that it was a drama/thriller, as it mostly is.
*** Partial Spoiler Below ***
This could be considered a film noir, however the end can't really be seen as dark in my view.
Garrett Hedlund (Russell) "I don't recall anything about no huntin' rifle in the New Testament."
Mel Gibson (Mitchell) "Well, you can only turn so many cheeks, and I only got four, so..."