I really really tried with this one because of the number of actors that have decent names. I even ignored the very very repetitive r@cism tropes. I still struggled with the off button. But I did make it to the end. Just!
It was very tired old/ old fashioned. Very repetitive. Poorly over acted. And weirdly directed.
The slow increase of purple lighting made me think old horror movies. Very odd. It felt like the director was trying to portray it as a dream where the whole thing is a story of a black womans struggle to have a better life with white people constantly holding her back...but the movie wasnt done well enough to leave that impression.
The "baddy" was super obvious from the very beginning. Bit of a waste.
I have liked Luda for decades and hes also acted in decent stuff but LUDA..what you thinking?
Queen Latifa seems to be portrayed as a super athletic bad ass recently but I genuinely dont see what producers see. There are hundreds of black women that could portray a bad ass and make it more believable. Her close up fight scenes look very dated and only used because she isnt an athletic bad ass.
The scene where she not only takes out a muscle bound ex UFC fighter with very few blows but she also takes out a whole gang of r@cist drug dealers made me pick up the remote to finally go to turn it off..but I thought NOPE, I shall finish this like the hero I am.
And what is it with every white person being r@cist? I mean I get having white people as baddies but do they all have to be r@cist baddies.lol...
The r@cism was strong with this one, mostly not very subtle at all. Even Ludas character was a r@cist cliché.
But a black female director who has spent god knows how many years behind the camera obviously has a story to tell..But these heavy handed messages with a weak story isnt the way to get the message out. Its bores people. Just read the terrible reviews. They missed the smaller subtle messages in this movie because they were busy rolling their eyes with the big loud r@cist tropes.
There were subtle micro aggressions that were excellent but then BOOM..a massive r@cist bomb ruins the whole thing.
I absolutely genuinely think ""R@CISM"" is a new movie genre..like slashers were in the 1980s.
Watch if really bored and dont know all white people are r@cist..