19 reviews
If you liked the television series you will definitely love the movie...the feeling was like this was an extended version of the show but at the same time the show was always entertaining as the movie was ...the charming and the spirit of the series transcends well to the silver screen...the plot like on the show is not the strength of the movie the banter and interaction of the main characters is the strength..Though i was missing the Lucy character and was of the opinion that the movie was a bit weak at the conclusion..I laughed though frequently and was entertained and when one goes to the movies is not that what we want to be and this movie delivers...Long live the Trailer Park Boys...
An 8, but a very solid 8! meaning very good! production values are high, and the story drags just a little in a couple of spots, but overall, it is quite a ride! when was the last time you saw bubbles w/a "love interest"? (never!) lots to enjoy here. lahey (and randy) have never been better. great to see jim in such a non-TPB locale at the beginning and end-the movie is structured very cleverly, bookends and throughout. you'll be entertained from the moment it starts, and doubly when you read "(just) one week earlier..." ; )
- slaphappy5000
- Feb 15, 2020
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It isn't really necessary to watch the series before this movie but it helps. If you already know the characters from the series it's just funnier and easier to appreciate this movie. The humor (sometimes subtle) is repetitive but that's what made that show great. Watching John Paul Tremblay holding his everlasting glass of liquor, witnessing how the dumb mind of Robb Wells works, looking at the strangeness of Mike Smith, or the akward relationship between John Dunsworth and Patrick Roach, it's all something we were used to in the series so nothing new in this movie, but it is still damn entertaining. You have to have a special sense of humor but if you do Trailer Park Boys is always a blast to watch.
- deloudelouvain
- Feb 2, 2020
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- jamest1994
- Nov 6, 2009
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I remember when this show started, I wondered what the hell I was watching, But it grew on me. ANd i absolutely fell in love with the characters. The only disappointment about the movie was it is supposed to be the last one. There is no real story line, but its as funny as it gets. I had a blast watching it.
If you not into the Trailer park boys, you should still watch this. ITs a fantastic Way to support Canadian Cinema and honestly, you will laugh you head off! I miss the show and this was awesome. I am sad they wont be back. Lok at the ratings they are getting!
If you not into the Trailer park boys, you should still watch this. ITs a fantastic Way to support Canadian Cinema and honestly, you will laugh you head off! I miss the show and this was awesome. I am sad they wont be back. Lok at the ratings they are getting!
- ashley-desouza
- Sep 25, 2009
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- anaconda-40658
- Nov 5, 2015
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Wow, I did not have high expectations for the sequel to a movie adaptation of a TV show, but sometimes good writers and hilarious actors come together to make something special. Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day is one of those films that will remain in our DVD collection forever. It's a movie you pull out to watch with friends over and over again because it's so incredibly funny. I've seen it many times and can't get enough of it. I can't for the DVD to be out February 23rd so I can finally own it. Seriously, if you haven't seen this film you're missing out. We all love the Trailer Park Boys (And if you don't start with this movies!) and this is another fine outing for them.
- ilikegreatmovies
- Feb 17, 2010
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The last time i saw the boys in action, it was November of last year. Ricky, Julian and Bubbles are about to get out of jail, and this time, Julian vows to go straight, even open a legit business. Soon the Boys will all be rich. But when they arrive back at the park, they find it's not the same old Sunnyvale—and it's not the same old Jim Lahey, Trailer Park Supervisor.
Lahey's a new man, hasn't had a drink for two years. And he has plans—BIG PLANS—for Sunnyvale. Too bad for Lahey that Julian stands in his way. Having the Boys back in the park is too much pressure for Lahey to bear. With his big plans for Sunnyvale going down the toilet, and his relationship with Randy broken down, the countdown to liquor day is on for Jim Lahey.
Meanwhile, Julian's having problems of his own. His business fails and the Boys are forced to resort to doing what they know best—breaking the law. Soon Lahey's descent into the liquor coupled with the Boys descent into crime puts them all on a collision course to destruction. Trailer Park Boys: Countdown To Liquor Day 10/10
Lahey's a new man, hasn't had a drink for two years. And he has plans—BIG PLANS—for Sunnyvale. Too bad for Lahey that Julian stands in his way. Having the Boys back in the park is too much pressure for Lahey to bear. With his big plans for Sunnyvale going down the toilet, and his relationship with Randy broken down, the countdown to liquor day is on for Jim Lahey.
Meanwhile, Julian's having problems of his own. His business fails and the Boys are forced to resort to doing what they know best—breaking the law. Soon Lahey's descent into the liquor coupled with the Boys descent into crime puts them all on a collision course to destruction. Trailer Park Boys: Countdown To Liquor Day 10/10
- Dec 17, 2009
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I'll keep this review pretty informal. I just want to let fellow 'TPB' fans know that this movie is yet another great addition to the series.
Trailer Park Boys is easily in my top three shows ever made so naturally, I was really looking forward to this film. Thankfully, 'Countdown to Liquor Day' did not let me down!
To be completely honest, I wasn't too sure how I felt about this movie when I first saw it. As you'll find out, there are some changes made to Sunnyvale, and once again, Cory and Trevor were absent. It seems they'll never be back, but at least this movie didn't continue focus on Jacob and the twiggy alien Trevor's. They were good characters, but they just didn't compare to Cory and the Trevster. Anyways, after watching the movie a few more times, everything started to sink in and I began to spot all the hilarious little details that are always included in the series. This movie has just about everything I wanted in a new 'TPB' movie and because of that, I couldn't be happier. Number one, this movie feels like one long episode with some extra budget and craziness thrown in, and number two or three or whatever number we're on, Ricky hits us with some amazing new Rickyisms. Randy, Lahey, and the boys are in top form here as usual and it makes for an excellent film!
I really liked 'The Big Dirty', so with 'Countdown..', I was hoping that worst case in Ontario, it would be at least as good as the former. I feel it definitely surpassed 'TBD' and that's all I could ever ask for.
Trailer Park Boys is easily in my top three shows ever made so naturally, I was really looking forward to this film. Thankfully, 'Countdown to Liquor Day' did not let me down!
To be completely honest, I wasn't too sure how I felt about this movie when I first saw it. As you'll find out, there are some changes made to Sunnyvale, and once again, Cory and Trevor were absent. It seems they'll never be back, but at least this movie didn't continue focus on Jacob and the twiggy alien Trevor's. They were good characters, but they just didn't compare to Cory and the Trevster. Anyways, after watching the movie a few more times, everything started to sink in and I began to spot all the hilarious little details that are always included in the series. This movie has just about everything I wanted in a new 'TPB' movie and because of that, I couldn't be happier. Number one, this movie feels like one long episode with some extra budget and craziness thrown in, and number two or three or whatever number we're on, Ricky hits us with some amazing new Rickyisms. Randy, Lahey, and the boys are in top form here as usual and it makes for an excellent film!
I really liked 'The Big Dirty', so with 'Countdown..', I was hoping that worst case in Ontario, it would be at least as good as the former. I feel it definitely surpassed 'TBD' and that's all I could ever ask for.
- The-Green-Fuz
- Apr 26, 2010
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I was lucky enough to score an advanced screening Monday.
Where the first movie and the seventh season failed, this one did amazing. One of my biggest complaints about the first movie was that they had too much going, with Ricky wanting to get back with Lucy, the Big Dirty, Julian and his new girlfriend, etc. This one stayed to the story and had amazing scenes.
I laughed more than I did at The Hangover, and it was the first movie I've been to where the entire theater laughed. I think it was one of the best things they've filmed. There was a small side plot or two but they in no way took away from the movie and didn't interfere with the main story at all and didn't take much screen time at all (which The Big Dirty definitely did wrong).
It did indeed feel like it was made for fans, but don't expect anything more than a 5 second appearance from Cyrus/Sam/George/Ted. Terry and Dennis and Barb weren't in it at all. I actually feared they would do this, but it was still a lot better than I ever could have expected.
Where the first movie and the seventh season failed, this one did amazing. One of my biggest complaints about the first movie was that they had too much going, with Ricky wanting to get back with Lucy, the Big Dirty, Julian and his new girlfriend, etc. This one stayed to the story and had amazing scenes.
I laughed more than I did at The Hangover, and it was the first movie I've been to where the entire theater laughed. I think it was one of the best things they've filmed. There was a small side plot or two but they in no way took away from the movie and didn't interfere with the main story at all and didn't take much screen time at all (which The Big Dirty definitely did wrong).
It did indeed feel like it was made for fans, but don't expect anything more than a 5 second appearance from Cyrus/Sam/George/Ted. Terry and Dennis and Barb weren't in it at all. I actually feared they would do this, but it was still a lot better than I ever could have expected.
The trailer park boys began as just Ricky and Julian. originally, Julian was supposed to die in 5 days after talking to a phone psychic. he wanted to get those last 5 days on videotape. 10 years later, that camera crew still followed him around, all the way up to liquor day.
After spending 2 years in jail, Ricky, Julian and bubbles all come back to Sunnyvale and discover it is in ruins, and that Mr. lahey has opened up a new trailer park. the boys' plans; Julian wants to go legit by opening a car garage, Ricky wants to get his grade 12 and be the leader, and bubbles just wants his kitties back after lahey barricaded the kitty door on his shed. but soon all these plans are compromised, and like always, the boys plans always fall through.
I laughed at the few parts in the movie theatre, and it was certainly better than the big dirty (which was a major disappointment.) because it had what the trailer park boys are known for; pure comic genius. more of the boys, less of Lucy's boobs.
Also, i'd like to point out this is the last trailer park boys show we're gonna see. so after this, no more Ricky, Julian, and bubbles.
i recommend you wait to rent this one. wasting 10 bucks on a big screen and 10 more for drinks and popcorn doesn't feel worth it, but unless you're a hardcore fan like i am, then go see it while the theatres still have it.
After spending 2 years in jail, Ricky, Julian and bubbles all come back to Sunnyvale and discover it is in ruins, and that Mr. lahey has opened up a new trailer park. the boys' plans; Julian wants to go legit by opening a car garage, Ricky wants to get his grade 12 and be the leader, and bubbles just wants his kitties back after lahey barricaded the kitty door on his shed. but soon all these plans are compromised, and like always, the boys plans always fall through.
I laughed at the few parts in the movie theatre, and it was certainly better than the big dirty (which was a major disappointment.) because it had what the trailer park boys are known for; pure comic genius. more of the boys, less of Lucy's boobs.
Also, i'd like to point out this is the last trailer park boys show we're gonna see. so after this, no more Ricky, Julian, and bubbles.
i recommend you wait to rent this one. wasting 10 bucks on a big screen and 10 more for drinks and popcorn doesn't feel worth it, but unless you're a hardcore fan like i am, then go see it while the theatres still have it.
- The_Light_Triton
- Sep 24, 2009
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- blacksun_redux
- Jan 5, 2010
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- searchingcirclesend
- Jul 6, 2010
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With instant-classical writers like Mike Clattenburg, JP, Robb, and Mike, it's amazing that just like rock bands, sitcoms, and every other solid-fresh hit that comes up, fame, money, and deadlines, eat away at the beginning of what made them all great. Although, after seeing the 3 live at Jimmy Kimmel's this summer here in L.A., I knew only the audience at the show and some of the fans who tuned in really dug their comedy and it was like seeing the Ramones or U2 in the late '70'S when people would say to each other at a concert, "man these guys are gonna be big". Cyrus, Leahy, Sam, and the others all made them shine and that's what they forgot. The cast makes the stars shine. When they intro'd Phil Collins in the series and he gets hit in Leahy's trailer and burps or when Sam is given mushrooms before he speaks, or even the little one liner's from Ricky like, "This is my pet Crow, Sheryl', delivery and irony is what made them cutting edge. I still can't stop laughing, I mean really laughing, when I even think of JP asking Cory & Trevor, where they got the guys for J-Roc's nightclub, and they say with "straight" faces, "The Empty Closet"...oh man, what timing...But, just Like JP says as he leaves them to go back in the club, "They just don't get it". "Like s**t and strawberry shortcake".
- skiptracker
- Nov 9, 2009
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This movie was almost depressing. Ivan Reitman's movies suck, nothing but cheeseball garbage. Some good ones in the early 80's, but all the rest are horrid.
The Trailer Park Boys TV series was awesome, but once it met Hollywood (Lamewood) and Ivan, forget it.
It's no wonder that most of my favorite TV shows are from Canada. The USA is about as bad at making movies/TV as it is fighting wars. And they worry about people downloading stuff? You couldn't pay ME to watch most of that crap.
Ah well, at least I didn't pay for this flick.
The Trailer Park Boys TV series was awesome, but once it met Hollywood (Lamewood) and Ivan, forget it.
It's no wonder that most of my favorite TV shows are from Canada. The USA is about as bad at making movies/TV as it is fighting wars. And they worry about people downloading stuff? You couldn't pay ME to watch most of that crap.
Ah well, at least I didn't pay for this flick.
- eoruyge08324
- May 15, 2012
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- McFly_2015
- Oct 10, 2009
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Three trailer trash convicts Ricky (Robb Wells), Julian (John Paul Tremblay) and Bubbles (Mike Smith) get paroled from prison and return to the habitat to cause havoc, destruction and disturbances. All with the hope to change their lives with the Success Body Shop, built in Julian's trailer.
Saw this movie by pure chance with no expectations or pre-knowledge about the series (or even having not seen the first part). Basically tabula rasa just watching it on its own merits. As to not delve too deeply given my extremely limited appreciation I found the movie unfunny, redundant with the characters ranging from repulsive to boring. Ultimately didn't manage to watch the whole movie and decided to supplant it with something more worth the while.
That said I may just not get the gist of a movie essentially being directed towards fans of the series. Various context has however gone AWOL making random viewers at a loss to engage with the movie.
Saw this movie by pure chance with no expectations or pre-knowledge about the series (or even having not seen the first part). Basically tabula rasa just watching it on its own merits. As to not delve too deeply given my extremely limited appreciation I found the movie unfunny, redundant with the characters ranging from repulsive to boring. Ultimately didn't manage to watch the whole movie and decided to supplant it with something more worth the while.
That said I may just not get the gist of a movie essentially being directed towards fans of the series. Various context has however gone AWOL making random viewers at a loss to engage with the movie.
- hughchilles
- Jan 12, 2024
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