First, as others have said, the weights are total nonsense. One dude walks around with a "135lb" snake wrapped around his arm. Uh huh, sure.
Second, probably more importantly, I think the entire execution of this show is totally fictional.
For example: On one episode, two of the guys go to a "bomb shelter deep in the glades".
Okay, so that shelter is actually in Fort Pierce, far north of the glades, and is actually about 20yds from the Florida Turnpike. It was an AT&T communications bunker (you can see "communications" above the door) and was sold sometime between 2013 and 2017 to a data center startup called "Data Shelter" (google it, they have a website with pics and everything). So could this bunker have snakes in it? Technically, sure, but I am 99% sure those snakes were put there for those guys to find. Additionally, the Data Shelter company is clearly peddling a vaporware product as it's been 3+ years since they "announced" what they were doing and it's clearly still full of random crap from the cold war, standing water and other stuff you don't see in an active commecial construction zone, much less anything resembling a "data center" (I would know, believe me).
How about another example: In one episode two of the guys have their snake bags "stolen" by mysterious strangers in a buggy who then drop the bags and run when Dude 1 comes running up at them. This is on a trail that is supposedly abandoned and those two dudes had just encountered a random stranger in a buggy who gave them a "hot tip" on where to find a special bounty. The entire thing reeks of being semi-scripted and plays more like a video game scenario than anything that would happen in real life.
Anyway, it's still mildly entertaining (the yelling "OHH!" every time a snake tries to bite them is a little annoying), it just isn't real.