This is a really good sequel to the original Red Alert 2, highly enjoyable in every sense of the term even if it's not particularly difficult, at least if played at medium difficulty like I did. It perfectly recaptures the cheesiness of that one, meaning like in Red Alert 2 don't expect any meaningful plotline or grittyness of any kind (?) because you won't find them like you didn't find them in the original Westwood games. What you will find here in turn are improvements to the formula of those, in particular concerning the addition of water-based mechanics and a new awesome faction that even the developers must have seen as such themselves because it has the most interesting toys of all the three, particularly the awesome sukeban girl/psychic pilot of mechas (Tekkoku Mikazuki I'm looking at you)/commander Yuriko Omega. And, being myself an Otaku, I have no problems with it whatsoever. Oh, did I mention the high-quality videos sporting beautiful ladies in sexy attires? Those are a superipergigawelcome addition too. All in all, highly recommended, especially if you're an old Red Alert 2 fan and you've never tried it before because of the DRM stuff when it was originally released (in short, if you're like me).
P. S. This applies to the equally good expansion DLC, far more entertaining and well written - particularly the solo missions focused on Yuriko Omega - than stuff like SC Brood War and The Frozen Throne by a mile (change in the attire of the lovely Eva McKenna permitted).