With each new narrative development, the film's game of cat and mouse grows more complex...
Some people lay on to the danger they're in, while others are blissfully unaware. The diner becomes a pressure cooker, and you never know who's going to make the move, either accidentally or on purpose, that sets the whole thing off...
You can feel Quentin Tarantino's artistic DNA coursing through this story...
There are little moments of blackhearted comedy among the bloodshed, but through it all, The Last Stop in Yuma County makes sure that those gunshots resonate. It isn't about the violence overall as we're watching people die messy, unnecessary deaths that come about for no good reason. They just happened to run out of gas at the worst possible time...
Galluppi isn't afraid to kill any of his darlings. Who's left standing by the day's end becomes just as surprising as the insanely entertaining journey getting there...
The single location setting is richly textured, with production designer Charlie Textor ensuring the rest stop has as much personality as the elite group stuck there. The vibrant color grading further enriches the production value. Despite the desolate setting...
Also the primary thing that stands tall is the camera work gorgeous enough that reflects the mood of the desert...Also the score combines with what's in the frame in such a way that it satisfies the haunting minds of the atmosphere...While the sound design helps to design or to establish the tension that the least or minute barren desert too contributes...
And finally what to say about the casting everybody did their job in perfection that you can't move the eyes off the screen & therefore keeping our adrenaline pumping until the last act...One can't forget "FARGO" or even " THE HATEFUL EIGHT" Where the director honors the G. O. A. T...
Overall it's everybody's cup of coffee to rejuvenate consuming the medium called Cinema...