This is the 2nd, consecutive movie Bruce Willis (Chalmers) & Texas Battle (Nick) have starred in together after 2019's "Trauma Center".
Bruce Willis and Lala Kent appeared in four movies together in two years: Trauma Center (2019), 10 Minutes Gone (2019), Hard Kill (2020), and Out of Death (2021).
Lala Kent (Eva) starred with Bruce Willis (Donovan) in "10 Minutes Gone" (2019).
Initially, Steven Seagal was meant to play Bruce Willis' character, but was fired. He took cast and crew out to eat when filming first began at a fancy restaurant and offered to pay the whole bill. However, he left his wallet at home, which forced the entire cast and crew to chip in and pay for everything. His gigantic meal caused the cast and crew's wallets to bleed empty. He had the meal of his life that night, but at the expense of the entire cast and crew who worked on the project. The director fired him and immediately called in Bruce Willis to save the movie.