Everyone will first notice the limited animation, which determines right out the gate who this series appeals to, and I happen to be one of those. I never watched the table top RPG streams the creator played with his friends that it is based on, but I enjoyed the humorous take downs of popular video games and anime on his YouTube channel done in same style. He takes that to the next level with his first full fledge series.
The voice acting carries a lot of the humorous and dramatic weight of the show to great effect. The limited movement along with the exaggerated poses and facial expressions at key moments sell what happens, but it is really the performances that bring any investment to the action, and the cast does a fantastic job of pulling that off.
It took me a little while to get into the story, but it surprised me that there was genuine heart behind the proceedings instead of nonstop antics. Apart from Molly as the grounded, audience POV, everyone is some manner of oddball meant to befuddle her. However, they begin peel back layers as unexpected dynamics develop between the various factions vying for the amulet. Those surprise insights and heartfelt moments keep me hooked to happens next.
Give Epithet Erased a watch for its unexpected style and more three dimensional characters than their appearance would have you believe.