Towards the end of the film Robert F Kennedy Jr talks about JFK's popularity being measured by how many boulevards are named after him. The fourth example says "Kennedy Road" and underneath "32-26" then some Chinese characters, then "24-22A". This sign is in Hong Kong, but the road is named after Arthur Kennedy, the 7th Governor of Hong Kong, not JFK.
Writer Jim Dieugenio claims he submitted a wish list of all the interview subjects he wanted ito get on camera, and was surprised and delighted when all his desired subjects were approved by the producers, who alloted the necessary travel budget to conduct the interviews.
Narrator Donald Sutherland played "Mr. X" in Oliver Stone's film JFK.
This marks the return collaboration of director Oliver Stone and cinematographer Robert Richardson (their previous film was "U-Turn" in 1997, a gap of 24 years).