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A dead naked woman is seen floating in the water face down.
Characters wear bathing suits, with men bare chested and women with cleavage and buttocks exposure.
A woman is seen taking off a bikini. Her bare back and buttocks are seen, as well as the side of her breast.
152 de 268 acharam que isso é moderada
A scene where a character breaks her bone. Wound visible. Briefly brutal.
A character is repeatedly stabbed during one sequence with blood and injury detail. Later 2 people are attacked with multiple visible knife wounds
During a self-surgery sequence, a tumor is seen getting cut open from a body. It is then visible once opened up. Very graphic.
A woman breaks her arms and legs, they mend incorrectly and it leaves her rather scary looking.
PG-13 violence type: blood, brutal and graphic.
173 de 257 acharam que isso é leve
1 use of "fucking" (I was a F*cking coward)". And a few uses of "hell" and "god". Sh*t is used once or twice.
180 de 221 achou(aram) que isso nenhuma
Cocktails are served to newly arriving guests. No one is seen actually drinking them however
115 de 296 acharam que isso é moderada
Two instances of a character having seizures. Very intense.