After witnessing his girlfriend Ash's (Cara Gee) murder, a man Joe (Peter Mooney) risks everything - including reality itself - to discover the truth of why she was killed.
I watched this because Cara Gee was in it, I'm still not sure if that was a good decision or not. This film is basically a remake of Inception: But nowhere near as good. Indeed you would not expect it to be given it's budget, but I'm unsure why they took on such a task with a limited budget. The film isn't bad, I don't think, but I got a bit lost off as to what was happening and who was who. I suspect this is one of those films that reveals it's true self after more than one viewing.
You need to concentrate and follow the nuances, and my mistake early on was thinking that Hunter and Oliver were in fact the same person. By the time it dawned that they weren't, the rot was in and I never got back up to speed. The CGI was ok but there was times it showed a lack of quality, but that would not affect my rating unless it was super dire, which it was not. The dialogue was a little clunky, I think because the film tries to shoot above it's league, and fails. So far I've given it a 5 and that was being generous. But after a couple of re-watches I'll come back and alter this if it improved after more watching. If you live and breath Sci Fi you will probably love this anyway.