This movie is objectively not good. It is basically just a film student's big dreams of having a grand movie about racial divide in America and the morality of documenting people in suffrage. But then you disfigure that idea and make bad casting calls along with awful writing.
The movie has plot lines which in essence make zero sense. The casting feels forced, along with the writing. The entire ambience of the film is trying to really jam in how the main character is benefiting off a black teen's death but never really taking into account that the entire situation is basically completely out of the main character's control. He is attempted to be played off as a standard white male with clear insecurity issues but instead played off as an insufferable rich film student who "went to school for this" as is humbly stated several times. I can't really tell what the goal of the movie is other than movie critic bait for having such a "diverse" cast and "important" writing.
To anyone who isn't a paid critic or your standard film student critic trying to feed his own ego off an objectively bad movie, the writing is bad. The main character makes questionable decisions particularly involving a three year relationship he is in. There is no real way to put it, the movie is just objectively bad. The cinematography is pretty solid, the way the documentary to actual cinematic scenes contrast is great but the writing kills the movie and any potential it had to actually be worth something.
This movie makes zero sense and should not be watched under any circumstances, it's standard wannabe "white man meets black culture" garbage.