Where is love or slightest genuine attraction in most of the episodes? brutal non-sense coming from Patti. She sells her show that's it, that's all she cares about. Ratings go down - she fires people and become more obnoxious. She has nothing to offer. Women found on the street basically.
What really, really bothers me the most is she is a 52 and looks like 30, but acts like 12 immature girl. That's how a retarded mental patient acts, in my opinion. It's a very bad combination. She is impossible to talk to. It's either her way or no way. She has no discipline or logic in her mind. I would never trust a woman like that to find me anybody.
These guys are millionaires, doesn't it count for anything? You try to become one. My advise to all of them - find it yourself. Go after what you want. If you are 56, you want 24 - go after it. Find out yourself. The world is huge.
This woman is a total scam, she is mostly wrong about everything. She knows she will not close a deal, and she berates the guy.
People that work for her are expandable losers. Basically in her world everybody is a loser, except for her.
Pathetic excuse of a dating advice. Don't take dating advice from anybody! Do it yourself. If you want to learn about fish - watch how fish swims yourself!