- Penny Peterson: I'm not Penny anymore. Now, I'm Princess Hatsheput, precious flower of the Nile.
- Mr. Peabody: "Precious," perhaps, but if you think we're going to leave you here, you are most definitely in "de-Nile."
- Sherman: [laughs] I don't get it.
- Mr. Peabody: Why can't children be so simple?
- Leonardo da Vinci: Because children are not machines, Peabody. Believe me, I tried to build one. Oh! It was creepy.
- Judge: Mr. Peabody, you are a Nobel Prize-winning scientist. An advisor to heads of state. A captain of industry. Why would you want to adopt a boy?
- Mr. Peabody: Because, your honor, when I found Sherman, it reminded me of how I started out in life. And now, I want to give him the one thing I always wanted. A home.
- Judge: And you're sure you're capable of meeting *all* the challenges of raising a human boy?
- Mr. Peabody: With all due respect, how hard could it be?
- Sherman: I love you, Mr. Peabody.
- Mr. Peabody: [after momentarily searching the right answer for him] for I have a deep regard for you as well, Sherman.
- [later on]
- Mr. Peabody: I... I love you, Sherman.
- Sherman: [With a warm understanding smile] I have a deep regard for you as well, Mr. Peabody.
- Agamemnon: Odysseus, what news do you bring?
- Odysseus: Someone left this for us.
- Agamemnon: A present. Nice. It looks just like *our* horse.
- Odysseus: Should I bring it inside?
- Agamemnon: It'd be rude not to.
- [Odysseus lays down the horse and Peabody pops out]
- Agamemnon: [laughs] I did *not* see that coming!
- George Washington: I hereby award Mr. Peabody a Presidential pardon.
- Abraham Lincoln: Me too!
- Bill Clinton: I've done worse.
- Sherman: Now, can we have some cake?
- Marie Antoinette: Mais, oui.
- Sherman: Oh, yeah, sorry. heh. "May we" have some cake?
- Marie Antoinette: Mais, oui!
- Sherman: Maybe she can't hear me through the hair.
- Sherman: [as Peabody is being dragged into a wagon] Wait! Give him another chance!
- Ms. Grunion: He's through with chances. Now, he has to pay for his mistakes.
- Sherman: But I'm the one who made all the mistakes. I'm the one who used the WABAC without permission. The only mistake Mr. Peabody ever made... was me.
- Mr. Peabody: [almost heartbroken] Sherman.
- Ms. Grunion: You're absolutely right, Sherman. What kind of a father could this dog ever be to a boy?
- Sherman: Maybe you're right, Ms. Grunion. But there's one thing you haven't considered.
- Ms. Grunion: What's that?
- Sherman: [proudly] I'm a dog, too! If being a dog means you're like Mr. Peabody, who never turns his back on you, and who's always there to pick you up when you fall, and loves you no matter how many times you mess up... if that's what it means to be a dog... then, yeah, I'm a dog, too!
- [Penny, her parents, and the historical people join Sherman's pledge, which deeply touches Peabody]
- Mr. Peabody: Sherman, sit!
- Sherman: You can't talk to me like that. I'm not a dog.
- Mr. Peabody: What did you say?
- Sherman: I said, I'm not a dog!
- Mr. Peabody: You're right, Sherman, you're not. You're just a very bad boy!
- Paul Peterson: So, he's literally a dog.
- Patty Peterson: Paul!
- Mr. Peabody: No, that's all right. Although, I prefer the term "literate dog."
- Agamemnon: FYI, a lot of heroes have father issues. My old man is a minotaur. Half man, half bull, all judgement. Ajax, here, strongest guy in the world, but his father never accepted that his real dream was to sing.
- Ajax: [in falsetto] I wanted to be in the Greek Chorus.
- Agamemnon: Uh, yeah, and don't even get me started about Oedipus. Let's just say you do *not* want to be at his house over the holidays. It's awkward.
- Penny Peterson: I'm gonna have a big, fat, Egyptian wedding.
- Mr. Peabody: Spoiler alert, King Tut dies young. Are you sure you've thought this through?
- Penny Peterson: Oh, trust me, I've thought it through. I'm getting everything.
- Penny Peterson: Um, hold up a second. Can you walk me through that, somebody?
- King Tut: What he means, Penny, is that when I die they'll kill you too. And then they'll rip out your organs, stuff them in canopic jars, and then mummify whatever's left.
- Penny Peterson: Okay, I'm seeing this now. Thank you. I'm going to go with them.
- Police Officer: Drop the saber and step away from the futuristic orb!
- Robespierre: I take orders from no man! Liberte, Fraternite, Egalite!
- [gets tasered]
- Robespierre: [twitching] Oooh-la-la!
- [Mr. Peabody holds a baby Sherman in his hands]
- Sherman: Da-da!
- Mr. Peabody: No, Sherman, not Da-da. You shall call me Mr. Peabody. Or, in less formal moments, simply Peabody.
- Sherman: Mepa Pea-baba?
- Mr. Peabody: That's right, Mr. Pea-baba.
- [King Tut arrives]
- Sherman: Who's that, Mr. Peabody?
- Mr. Peabody: That, Sherman, is the living image of Amun, son of Akhenaten, lord of the 18th Dynasty of the New Kingdom, King Tutankhamun. Otherwise know as King Tut.
- Penny Peterson: My boyfriend.
- Sherman: King Tut is your boyfriend?
- Penny Peterson: Mm-hmm.
- [Mr. Peabody & Sherman come across the booby trap in the Sphinx]
- Mr. Peabody: Careful, Sherman... It's a booby trap.
- [Sherman laughs]
- Mr. Peabody: What's so funny?
- Sherman: You said "booby"!
- [Peabody shakes his head in disgust]
- Mr. Peabody: [after Sherman travels to a timeline in which he still exists] Sherman, I've got to get you out of here before you touch yourself.
- Mr. Peabody: [from the first timeline] You know what they say... "If at first you don't succeed, Troy, Troy again."
- Mr. Peabody: [from the second timeline] This is no time for puns! Even good ones.
- Penny Peterson: Ugh! Jeez Louise, what is that smell?
- Agamemnon: [sniffing his armpit] Oh! Ooh. That is the smell of victory.
- Sherman: Gimme a break! It's not like I want to hold her hand, or go to the park, or watch her while she's brushing her hair... or anything.
- [people start coming to the present]
- Leonardo da Vinci: [lands on the WABAC] Hey, Peabody!
- Sherman: Looks like the past is coming to us.
- [Leonardo falls off]
- Robespierre: [lands on the WABAC] Oof! I will get you, dog! And your little boy, too!
- [falls off]
- King Tut: [lands on the WABAC] Penny! My bride!
- [Sherman uses windshield wipers to chuck Tut away; Penny looks lovingly at Sherman, while Mr. Peabody glares at him]
- Sherman: What?
- [from trailer]
- Mr. Peabody: It seems we've ripped a hole in the space-time continuum...
- Sherman: Looks like the past is coming to us!
- Leonardo da Vinci: [watches Sherman and Penny going off to play] He's growing up, Peabody. Like a baby bird leaving the nest. Isn't it wonderful?
- [Mr. Peabody watches sadly]
- Mr. Peabody: Sherman, don't you remember why I told you to stay close to me during the French Revolution?
- Sherman: Because after the French Revolution, it was gonna rain?
- Mr. Peabody: Close. I said "After the French Revolution comes... the Reign of Terror!"
- George Washington: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men, and some dogs, are created equal.
- [Sherman and Penny had a fight]
- Mr. Peabody: What on earth provoked it?
- Sherman: She called me a dog.
- Mr. Peabody: Well, all right then. Thank you for telling me.
- Mr. Peabody: So, what did you learn today, Sherman?
- Sherman: That the French Revolution was crazy.
- Mr. Peabody: How so?
- Sherman: All those guys getting their heads chopped off, and nobody standing up and saying it wasn't right.
- Mr. Peabody: And think, Marie Antoinette could have avoided the whole revolution if she'd simply issued an edict to distribute bread amongst the poor. But then, she couldn't have had her desert.
- Sherman: Why not, Mr. Peabody?
- Mr. Peabody: Because, Sherman, you can't have your cake and edict, too.
- Sherman: [laughs] I don't get it.
- Mr. Peabody: Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, they get married too young in Ancient Egypt... or perhaps I'm just some old Giza.
- [from trailer]
- Mr. Peabody: You used time-travel improperly... we must rewrite history in order to save the universe!
- Mona Lisa: Leonardo, tell'a me one thing I have'a to smile about.
- Leonardo da Vinci: The sunshine, the pasta. All of the thing that make Italy such a popular tourist destination!
- Mona Lisa: But, I'a have not'a seen any of them, Leonardo! Because I am sitting here all'a day on my abbondanza!
- Sherman: I don't think that means "chair" in Italian.
- [first lines]
- Mr. Peabody: Our story begins high over New York City, in the luxurious penthouse apartment of perhaps the most unlikely genius the world has ever known.
- [Camera pans to Peabody in an upside-down position]
- Mr. Peabody: Oh. Sorry. You caught me doing my yoga. You were expecting downward dog, perhaps?
- [Jumps into upright position]
- Mr. Peabody: My name is Mr. Peabody.
- Mr. Peabody: [after hypnotizing Penny's parents] I learned that from a swami at the Begawan Giri in Ubud, Bali.
- Penny Peterson: [to Sherman] Ugh! What's the Egyptian word for "tattle-tale?"
- Mr. Peabody: Mufshi asur. But that's beside the point. Get your clothes on, we're going home.
- Penny Peterson: Who died and made you Pharaoh?
- Mr. Peabody: This is the greatest collection of geniuses ever assembled! Surely we can come up with another way of getting to the past.
- Leonardo da Vinci: I can-a build a catapult. And, we go very fast.
- Albert Einstein: But, remember, as you approach the speed of light, gravity will get too strong.
- Isaac Newton: Oh, indeed. "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."
- Agamemnon: How about we just punch that big hole in the face?
- Mr. Peabody: If I didn't know any better, Sherman, I wouldd say you were jealous.
- Sherman: Jealous? Of what?
- Mr. Peabody: Tut's affection for Penny, of course.
- Sherman: You think I *like* Penny?
- Mr. Peabody: Mm-hmm.