[making a statement to the press]
Mayor Dalesandro: Los Angeles has always had it's share of trials and natural disasters; earthquakes, floods, and now this riptide virus. But we are a strong city, full of strong people. Governor.
Govenor Shaefer: Today we have hope to go with that strength. A treatment has been found that will buy us the time necessary to develop a lasting vaccine. It is a blessing within a curse, but it will soon be available to us all. In moments like this there are always many people to thank, our First Responders, our Police, Fireman, and Paramedics. People who put the lives and safety of others above their own.
Mayor Dalesandro: Our Doctors, Nurses, CVC Scientists, and all the other health professionals who have stood firm in the face of this tragedy, we will always be profoundly grateful.
Govenor Shaefer: This tragedy has taught us a great deal, we've learned that in unity there is strength.
Mayor Dalesandro: But we have paid an enormous price. Many have died and many more are still struggling for life.
Govenor Shaefer: We will remember those who have served and lost. We will fight in their names to make our federal government update and support modern methods of viral vaccines and treatments. They must be made to see that if it can happen here it can happen anywhere, if it can happen to us it can happen to them.