4 of 4 found this to have none
Several discussions of Tom's homosexuality and someone's AIDs test. Frank appears in his underwear.
1 of 2 found this severe
Lots of it, ranging from bloody to comic and back. Shooting with handguns and shotguns repeatedly produces bloody corpses (some multi-gun shootouts, some one-on-one battles); Frank's job at a funeral home has him working on corpses daily; ironic "romantic montage" has Frank teach Laurel how to assassinate with a knife (they practice on a watermelon); minor but loud car crash by drunk driver.
1 of 2 found this severe
Multiple uses of "f--k", plus other colorful hitman/gangster language, including "bitch", "s--t", "damn", "a--hole", "douchebag", "dick", "bastard", "c--k", and "c--ksucker".
1 of 2 found this severe
The protagonist is an alcoholic, so drinking and dealing with it are thematic: He appears dead-drunk at the start, attends AA meetings (which include discussions of other disorders, including eating), relapses (elaborate drinking with a stereotypical group of Irish family members), then recovers. Scenes set in bars. Frequent cigarette smoking.
1 of 1 found this mild