After watching the first 5 seasons of The X Files plus the first Feature Film, I must agree that The X Files took a huge change in Production values starting this season. Traditionally, a move from Vancouver to Los Angeles indicates cheapness on the part of the network. The Episodes immediately became all lighter in tone. This is because, the Production team had quite a few losses in the move, some of the people from Vancouver never made it to LA. And those were the people that gave X Files it's classic dismalness and bleakness.
Until this episode. This episode has darkness in it - But not Bleakness as in the first 5 seasons and the Feature. I never liked the idea of moving X Files to LA either, but is was done, and I eventually began enjoying the lighter tone of the episodes as they progressed. All of the "MOTW" eps from S6 to S8 which included Mulder had this almost comedy tone.
Regardless of that, this episode has portions where the creep factor is maximum, and if you take into account Army of Darkness' Bruce Campbell's guest role anyone can see that this is due to his involvement.
Campbell is Classic almost B-Movie material, he fits right in here.
As dark as this episode is, there is almost a Eucatastrophe, as Tolkein puts it - A point where everything seems the worst, but suddenly everything turns out for the better OUT of the bad things that happen.
Bruce Campbell's character- as creepy as he is, is not the real villain of this episode. You'll see who if you watch it.