In the year 2096, the Wanzer (Walking Panzer) Mecha form the backbone of many military forces. The European Community is enjoying a period of relative peace when it is surprised by sudden at... Read allIn the year 2096, the Wanzer (Walking Panzer) Mecha form the backbone of many military forces. The European Community is enjoying a period of relative peace when it is surprised by sudden attacks on German bases from a mysterious force. To investigate, it is decided to send the E... Read allIn the year 2096, the Wanzer (Walking Panzer) Mecha form the backbone of many military forces. The European Community is enjoying a period of relative peace when it is surprised by sudden attacks on German bases from a mysterious force. To investigate, it is decided to send the EC Armor Tactics Research Corps, also known as "Durandal". Inside the Durandal, a young new... Read all