When Sullivan pulls up Costigan's record in the computer, his date of birth is initially listed as 11/7/1984. The next time he pulls up the record, the date is 11/7/1980.
Costello's signature on the condolence card on Mrs. Costigan's coffin clearly changes appearance between the two successive shots.
When Sullivan uses Queenan's phone, the close-up shows the blood transferring from his finger to the left side of the talk button. The wide shot shows the blood on the right side.
In the beginning when Frank executes a kneeling man and woman, the woman falls on the back of the man. The next scene shows her clearly beside him, then in the next shot she's back on the man's back.
When Colin calls Costigan for the first time, he smudges blood across the call button. In the next shot, the smudge is all but gone.
The processors in the movie are supposed to be made by a fictitious company called MASS Processor. However, the processors shown have the logo of the Italian chip maker giant ST Microelectronics. The goof is corrected in the DVD release.
At Sullivan's graduation ceremony, right after they are dismissed, one graduate congratulates him for being "assigned to plainclothes right out of the gig." When cadets graduate from the Academy, they are still in training until they complete their field training program and their probationary period. The next step is road patrol, with a field training officer assigned to ride with them for several months. Sullivan wouldn't have been on patrol on his own for almost a year. Getting to plainclothes takes many years.
As Sullivan investigates the site where the bodies of the Providence thugs were found, a police cruiser has "Lynne Police" stenciled on its side. The city of Lynn is not spelled with an "e".
Early in the film, when Sullivan switches SIM cards in the phone booth, he has a Sprint RL7400 cell phone, which doesn't use SIM cards. The SIM card is also placed in the phone upside-down.
When Costigan is taking Oxycontin, the prescription label doesn't list the strength, and the tablet is a medium-sized white oval, like Vicodin or Motrin 800. Oxycontin is a brand name, round pill that comes in a variety of strengths and corresponding colors (white=10mg, orange= 40mg, dark green=80 mg, blue=160mg).
Costigan is smoking in the bar when he orders a cranberry juice before meeting Mr. French. Smoking in bars is illegal in Massachusetts. However, given the number of Costello's men who drink in this bar, it may be that the bartenders are not particularly proactive about enforcing that particular law.
The microprocessors sold to the Chinese government agents are simple 8/16bit MCUs manufactured by STMicroelectronics. They have 6 KBytes RAM and 128 KBytes Flash ROM, and are sold at every electronics store. You might get a rocket in the air with that kind of CPU, but not very accurately.
However, it is mentioned later that the Chinese got busted with a set of "lamp sockets", and asks what Costello did with the real microprocessors.
However, it is mentioned later that the Chinese got busted with a set of "lamp sockets", and asks what Costello did with the real microprocessors.
When Colin is playing rugby near the start of the film he is playing the position of flanker, but he is wearing the #10 shirt, which is the position of fly half.
However, some of the players have the same numbers (blue team has two #5s), are out of position (like a 5 and 8 on the flanker spot), both teams have players wearing jerseys in completely unrelated colors (red team has a guy in white) and half of the players are wearing jerseys without numbers on them. Apparently, they didn't care what jerseys they wore as this was a casual game between amateurs.
However, some of the players have the same numbers (blue team has two #5s), are out of position (like a 5 and 8 on the flanker spot), both teams have players wearing jerseys in completely unrelated colors (red team has a guy in white) and half of the players are wearing jerseys without numbers on them. Apparently, they didn't care what jerseys they wore as this was a casual game between amateurs.
Although Madolyn is wearing a Harvard sweatshirt, her undergraduate degree from University of Massachusetts is Bachelor of Science.
She could have taken other courses at Harvard, or simply purchased some Harvard merchandise; one does not need to attend a university in order to wear one of its sweaters.
She could have taken other courses at Harvard, or simply purchased some Harvard merchandise; one does not need to attend a university in order to wear one of its sweaters.
The location in where DiCaprio texts the chief to meet him is "344 Washington Street." However, when the news gets around to Costello's crew, one of the crew members incorrectly states they are located at "314 Washington Street."
Yes, this is a plot point in the film. The same character later states on his death bed to William that he gave him the wrong address yet William showed up anyway, so this is how he knows William is the rat.
Yes, this is a plot point in the film. The same character later states on his death bed to William that he gave him the wrong address yet William showed up anyway, so this is how he knows William is the rat.
When Costello is hitting Costigan's arm with his shoe, he is clearly hitting the table area in front of his arm.
Madolyn's diploma (visible briefly in a box of her stuff when she's moving into Sullivan's apartment) appears to be a black-and-white photocopy. Real UMass Boston diplomas have an embossed Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in blue and gold ink raised up from the paper. Madolyn's is entirely black and looks to just be printed on the surface.
When Costigan pulls Sullivan into the elevator near the end of the film, Matt Damon doesn't react for a split second, waiting for his cue.
The fingers of a severed hand will naturally curl inwards. Costello's bloody severed hand is an obvious prop.
When Billy confronts the guy who robbed the armored truck, he pulls a Walther PPKS 380 caliber semi automatic pistol, he shoots the guy in the knee when you see the gun again the hammer is not cocked which it should be after taking the first shot.
Sullivan and Costello meet in an adult movie theater in Boston's Chinatown. However, an earlier reference to the Patriot Act places this movie no earlier than 2001. By then, the porno houses of Boston's "Combat Zone" were nothing but a memory.
At the beginning of the film, "some years ago," the sign in the convenience store window advertises the Boston Phoenix as a free paper. Before 2000, the Phoenix cost 35-50 cents (depending on the year).
When Costello enters the convenience store in the beginning of the movie, the cigarettes behind the counter include a blue Marlboro box, which was introduced in the mid-to-late 1990s. When Colin was a boy, Marlboro cigarettes came in 2 versions: Regular (a red box) and Lights (a tan box).
When Frank picks up a Bic lighter at the luncheonette counter after talking to young Colin, you can see the "BIC" in yellow on the plastic part of the lighter. Bic didn't mark their lighters on the plastic until a few years ago.
When Costello enters the convenience store in the beginning of the movie, the Halls cough drops on the counter have a modern logo.
When Billy is arresting Colin, he says "you didn't come here to talk, you came here to get arrested" but his mouth is not moving.
While Gwen is talking on the phone, the word "hell" is obviously dubbed over the initial word "fuck."
When Costigan storms out of Madolyn's office after she refuses to prescribe sedatives, a "sigh" sound is clearly dubbed over Madolyn saying "fuck." She then sighs, and the exact same sound is heard.
When the bagpipers marching off from the funeral, none of them are actually playing.
When Costigan and Brown are training at the Massachusetts State Police Academy, the Throgs Neck Bridge, which connects Queens and the Bronx, is in the background. The Massachusetts State Police Academy is in New Braintree, a small town near Worcester, with no large suspension bridges nearby.
When the TV news reports on a body "found in the Fenway marshes," the TV shows a body being removed from a marsh somewhere on the waterfront. The Back Bay Fens are not on the waterfront.
On the envelope Madolyn receives, Colin's address is shown as 20 Pickering in Boston. Pickering Avenue is in Roxbury, nowhere near Beacon Hill. The ZIP code shown is 02459, which is Newton Centre. In the DVD version, the ZIP code is 02149, which is Everett. Billy's return address is on Conant Street in Boston, but Conant Street is in Revere.
As Queenan leaves South Station T stop to walk to the South Boston warehouse where he is to meet Costigan, he walks north, away from South Station. South Boston is visible behind South Station, in the opposite direction.
When Queenan gets on the train at Park Street station on his way to meet Costigan, Costigan calls him and tells him to get off at the next stop; Queenan responds, confirming that the next stop is South Station. The stop after Park Street is Downtown Crossing, not South Station.
When Billy's phone goes off in the adult movie theater, it is on vibrate. However, in the alley when he is following Colin, it rings when he receives a text. While this event is described in the script by William Monahan: "His phone has fucked up, as they do," there is no explanation for this in the finished film.
Troopers Brown and Costigan know each other at the Academy in the beginning. Brown mentions after the shootout that he remembers him. The cops have been watching these guys for months and Brown didn't make the connection sooner. Even if Costigan's fake cover story as an academy drop-out was known, Sullivan would have been more eager to peg Costigan as the "rat" earlier.
The whole premise that Colin and Frank can't figure out who the undercover cop in Frank's crew is ridiculous. Frank already knows that Billy, who recently joined his crew, used to be a cop so if there is an undercover cop it's obviously going to be him.
After talking to Costigan on Queenan's private cell phone, all Sullivan would have had to do is hear Frank's men speak to identify the rat and with Costigan being the only young man on Frank's crew he would have been able to do so immediately.
At the top of the frame during a wide shot of the police boardroom, a boom mic can be seen.
As a clinical psychologist as indicated on her business card, Madolyn cannot prescribe medication, only psychiatrists can.