(at around 1h 40 mins) When the two Lincolns are driving to the news station, they are stopped at a light when wreckage falls directly in front of them. Somehow it is cleared for them to speed away and the wreckage is no longer visible.
When Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta are running from the facility you can see their white tracksuits getting dirty, then when they are outside their white tracksuits are clean with no spots. Then in the next scene they are dirty again.
(at around 1h 40 mins) When the two Lincolns are driving to KNBC the car stops over the stop line at a red light. In the next shot the car is only half way over this stop line. What's more, when the car accelerates, it starts far from the stop line.
When Lincoln Six Echo decides to go back the facility to save everyone else, he has a large cut on just his right cheek. When he is in the helicopter on the way there, it has moved to his left cheek, facing the camera. When he gets to the facility, it has moved back to his right cheek.
When the security team are returning Jordan Two Delta to Merrick, the pilot of the Helicopter is the same one who was killed earlier in the film when the giant R logo crashed into a previous helicopter, causing it to explode and plummet to the ground.
At around the halfway point of the movie Albert Laurent is checking Lincoln Six Echo's (and Tom Lincoln's) details in the helicopter. Under 'vital stats' the Metric measurements are way off. Apparently they are 435cm tall and weigh 210kg.
(at around 1h 21 mins) The train wheels falling off the trailer fall and flip towards the pursuing police. In reality they would continue moving in the same direction as the semi and flip in the same direction.
Clones would not have finger prints identical to their donor. Linclon 6 Echo should not have been able to start Tom's car with his own thumb print.
McCord explains to Lincoln Six Echo and Jordan Two Delta that by their naming, Lincoln (being an "Echo") would have been from the third generation, and Jordan (being a "Delta") would have been from the fourth. Following the actual military naming of the clones' generations in alphabetical order (Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Gulf, etc.) would have, in fact, placed Lincoln in the fifth generation, not the third. However, Lincoln had asked how old they were, not what generation. McCord was telling them their age. Lincoln is Echo generation and is 3 years old, Jordan is Delta generation and is 4 years old.
(at around 38 mins) When Starkweather's clone is being "harvested" the doctor comments "I don't want to have to euthanize this guy just to get a liver." Humans can't live without a liver and we only have one. It's safe to say they're not going to give him a replacement, so taking his liver is effectively euthanizing him anyway.
However, livers can grow back to their full size from only 10%, so theoretically both the real Starkweather and his clone could have been kept alive.
However, livers can grow back to their full size from only 10%, so theoretically both the real Starkweather and his clone could have been kept alive.
(at around 1h 20 mins) Lincoln and Jordan hide on a truck carrying train wheels, even though previous scenes show that trains no longer use wheels. However, these rusty wheels could have been on their way to the scrapyard.
(at around 1h 21 mins) The large truck did not stop during the chase while it was on the freeway and its cargo was being thrown off by Jordan and Lincoln. You'd think with massive explosions behind it, the truck driver would have seen it and stopped driving.
As tractor has no visible doors and no discernible windshield, this could be an autonomous vehicle. Thus not react to explosions behind it.
Laurent, the assassin who killed the real Tom Lincoln, is a professional who would have automatically checked for the tattoo. Something that simple would never have been overlooked until much later. However, Laurent killed the real Tom Lincoln on purpose, as is revealed when he tells Merrick about what happened to him in Burkina Faso.
(at around 1h 18 mins) Right before the armored truck hits the police car, the police car had stopped in the middle of the street, even though there is nothing in the way.
(at around 45 mins) When Jordan swings a huge monkey wrench with both hands (like a baseball bat), walloping a man directly in his right temple, we see him two days later at work with only a few scrape marks. She had struck him as hard as she could. There is no way anyone would have such a minor consequence. In fact, he would have (at minimum) a fractured skull, or even have died after such a blow.
(at around 1h 21 mins) During the highway chase, you can see that the first pair of train wheels is made of foam rubber when it hits the road.
(at around 1h 21 mins) When the second Dodge Magnum flips over, the air canister used to flip it is visible on the street.
(at around 1h 23 mins) When the Black Wasp skids along the freeway after crashing, the tow cable dragging it is visible.
(at around 1h 35 mins) When Tom Lincoln goes upstairs and enters his room, the camera crew is reflected in the door as it opens.
(at around 16 mins) When Merrick is injecting the microbes into Lincoln's eye, the cameraman can be seen in the reflection on his glasses.
(at around 1h 18 mins) In several quick shots of the armored car smashing into the police car, the police car is clearly a mocked-up front half of a car with dummies in the front seats. Also, several cables and at least one Eyemo camera are visible next to, inside and under the gray SUV that the police car is pushed into.
During the second car chase, when Lincoln swerves the Cadillac after shouting "Whoa!", a camera car is visible in the background.
(at around 1h 22 mins) In the shot through the windscreen of the Black Wasp as it begins its descent over the freeway, a camera and three crew members are briefly visible in the bottom left corner of the frame.
(at around 1h 6 mins) McCord tells Lincoln and Jordan that the numbers in their names refer to cities in America. Lincoln's number is 6 (Lincoln Six Echo), so his sponsor lives in LA. When they are at the directory in LA, Jordan asks for "Sarah Jordan" and a little boy answers. However, Jordan's number is 2 (Jordan Two Delta), so her sponsor should not live in LA, but in New York.
When the clones are born from their pods, they are strapped to a table and forced to watch fast-moving images, which eventually become a part of their memory. The memories are almost the same with just a few tweaks here and there. The clones have the privilege to socialize with one another, and although they have close to the same exact photo memory imprints, none of the clones seems to be at all concerned or affected by it.
The harvesting of clones appears to be a one-time deal regardless of the organ being taken. Since they are removed from the general population by winning the lottery, they can't then be returned to allow for another transplant later. If all the organs can be harvested at once and stored, there would be no reason to keep the clones alive in the first place.
Sarah Jordan has a child, who is surprised to see Jordan Two Delta and says, "Mom?!" However, the child is completely forgotten afterwards.
(at around 7 mins) When Gandu 3 Echo is called out of the elevator for creating a disturbance, we can clearly see the label on his sleeve is "G3A", which would incorrectly signify that he is of the Alpha generation.
(at around 59 mins) When Lincoln and McCord are in the bar bathroom, McCord calls the man who walks in "Ed." However the name on his shirt clearly says "Lou."