John Beckwith (Owen Wilson) and Jeremy Grey (Vince Vaughn) are life-long friends who have made a hobby out of lying to get into wedding receptions, where they pick up vulnerable women with even more lies. Their plans to crash the upscale wedding of a high-profile politician (Christopher Walken) go awry when John falls in love with the politician's daughter (Rachel McAdams) and the two guys end up spending the weekend with her family
who just happen to be completely nuts!
Wedding Crashers is easily the funniest film of 2005. It's constantly hilarious and it's not completely immature. The premise is pretty creative and original. The film is not just filled with cheap jokes and toilet humor. There's actually a pretty mature love story to be found here as well. In all honestly, the script isn't that great but the film works really well because of the cast. The actors bring life into their characters and most of them give funny performances. Vince Vaughn is the true star of Wedding Crashers. His over the top performance is very funny. Some people may find him annoying though. Owen Wilson also gives a funny performance. He just wasn't as good as Vince but he holds his own. Together, Vaughn and Wilson have great chemistry and really make their scenes with one another really funny.
Rachel McAdams is one of the best young actresses working today. She appeared in three movies in 2005 and this one was the best. Her performance is pretty good and it's so easy to love this girl. Christopher Walken does his usual routine and he gives an okay performance. He isn't as funny as everyone else though. Isla Fisher is also another talented young actress. She comes out of no where and gives a very funny performance. Jane Seymour is underused which is too bad because she's pretty funny. Bradley Cooper was okay, nothing really special though. Not all of the film is perfect. I think the running time is too long. Long comedies rarely work out and while this one does, it could have still been edited. Also, the ending is kind of cheesy which is okay but a little unexpected. Will Ferrell makes a cameo and let's just say that it was not needed. It wasn't completely bad but he seemed to be trying way too hard. I really think that he's just an average comedian and nothing really special. One last thing, the film is pretty funny yet it doesn't have that great of a repeat value, at least for me. In the end, Wedding Crashers is worth checking out. Rating 8/10