- Bothwell: Forgive me.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: How's your head?
- Bothwell: Sore.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I could remove it for you.
- Bothwell: Well, that would do the trick, aye.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: You caused Lord Darnley great offense, you called Lord Darnley a long streak of English piss!
- Bothwell: Then I must apologize.
- Lord Darnley: I thank you.
- Bothwell: 'Twas English *pish*.
- Lord Darnley: [pause] Banishment, I think.
- Bothwell: Anywhere but France.
- Bothwell: Madam, is there not one man in the whole of Scotland who is good enough for you?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: Sir?
- Bothwell: Wooed by Austria, Spain and now England. What is wrong with my country, madam?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: You're drunk sir.
- Bothwell: And you are French, madam. And I would sooner be drunk for a year than French for a day - now is it French to see merit in this long streak of English pish, madam? You do not know what England has done to my country, madam. Raped their women, murdered their children
- [guards try to remove him]
- Bothwell: - Keep your hands off me!... And now he dines with our queen? The dead of Scotland turn in their graves for an Englishmen dines with our queen! And why are you here, madam, hmm? Our people offend your eye. Our food, your nose. So why, tell me madam, are you here? Was your life so boring in France? -
- [guards pull him back again]
- Bothwell: Take your hands off me! Is that why you are here?- not for Scotland, but for yourself?
- Bothwell: You think it dishonorable?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: Yes
- Bothwell: Disreputable?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: Yes
- Bothwell: Many a man would risk his life for you, but few would risk their honor and their reputation. I would. That is the measure of the great esteem in which I hold you.
- David Riccio: Beautiful, is she not?
- Bothwell: Who?
- David Riccio: You would marry her?
- Bothwell: I might consider it, aye.
- David Riccio: But you are not the Dauphin of France, the heir apparent of Spain.
- Bothwell: No.
- David Riccio: And you are not rich?
- [pause]
- David Riccio: So what would you bring to such a marriage?
- Bothwell: [pointing to fellow cellmate] This is Hamish. Hamish and I have spent many hours of stimulating conversation.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: How loyal are you, Bothwell?
- Bothwell: I would die for you.
- Bothwell: There is a lack of time, Your Majesty, for you are soon to be married, which is why I must now humble myself before you, and others.
- [Gets down on one knee]
- Bothwell: I have come to ask for your hand in marriage. I am not the Dauphin of France, the heir apparent of Spain - I am not rich, or powerful, so you may ask, 'What would you bring to such a marriage?' To which I must reply, I would bring my heart.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: Are you drunk, Bothwell?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: You've done me great service and you shall be rewarded. Whatever you wish for, it is yours.
- Bothwell: Whatever I wish for?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: Aye
- Bothwell: Do not toy with me.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I do not toy with you!
- Bothwell: You toy with me!
- Bothwell: They know it was me. You must hang me, Mary.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: What?
- Bothwell: If you do not hang me, people will say we planned it together.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I cannot
- Bothwell: You must Mary, for they will hang me anyway, they will hang me anyway!
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I cannot!
- Bothwell: Then you must marry me, for they will not hang the queen's husband.
- [pause]
- Bothwell: Marry me or hang me.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I'll marry you, I'll marry you.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I thank you. Once more.
- Bothwell: You must learn to enjoy executions. You must rule by fear - for fear is all they understand
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I take my advice from wee David!
- Bothwell: Did he deserve to die?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: [pause] Yes.
- Bothwell: Then your mother would have swung that axe herself... she would let no man see her tears.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: Fear not Bothwell, you will never see them again!
- Mary, Queen of Scots: This was not a Catholic who murdered a Protestant. This was a Scot who murdered a Scot.
- Bothwell: Your lord?
- Lord Darnley: Your majesty!
- Bothwell: Your majesty, will I tell the groom to put away your horse or will you be going back to the tavern?
- Lord Darnley: I am one of the finest swordsmen in England, Bothwell.
- Bothwell: Well, you're in Scotland now *your majesty*!
- Lord Darnley: Then sleep with one eye open.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: You were right about my husband, Bothwell. Does that give you pleasure?
- Bothwell: No it doesn't.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: That is good. For I hate you for it, Bothwell.
- Bothwell: Hatred is good. Love and hate both come from here
- [points to his heart]
- Bothwell: I have found some place in your heart.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: There is no cunning in a man, but there is. For you want me, but you know you're not worthy - you never have been and that is why you insult me so.
- Bothwell: Since first you set foot in my country you hated it.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: My country.
- Bothwell: No, no. Your country's still France. Your heart is still French. Your soul is still French.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I have become Scotland! My heart, my soul - every fiber of my being is Scotland
- Bothwell: Would you forgive me before I leave?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I've lost wee David, and now I lose you.
- Bothwell: You will be the stronger for it. You are your mother's daughter - every inch a queen.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: Bothwell - I am with child. I have fulfilled my promise to my dead mother and to Scotland for I am with child
- Bothwell: [pause] I would that it was mine.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I feared you dead. And I thought to myself, now I can never take him into my arms... To my bed, for he is gone.
- [They kiss]
- Mary, Queen of Scots: You are weak.
- Bothwell: I have strength enough for this.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: Return to Edinburgh. We'll be together there.
- Bothwell: Openly?
- Mary, Queen of Scots: No. It must be so, I am your queen. I'm married.
- Bothwell: I wish to proclaim to the whole world that you are mine. I wish to be with you every minute of every day.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I'm with you now.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: I fear this is the last time we will ever make love. So I beg you, make me remember it till the day I die.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: My dearest Bothwell, I will ask no more men to die in vain. To save my child I place myself in the hands of the enemy, and pray they will be merciful. In return, they grant you freedom for one day. Take it my darling. Flee, with all my love, Mary.
- Mary, Queen of Scots: [about the Protestant mob] Do they hate me?
- Bothwell: No, they hate your religion.
- [first lines]
- Mary, Queen of Scots: [narrating] When I was a child, the English waged war upon Scotland, and my mother sent me to France for safety. I remained in exile for 30 years, and never saw my mother's face again. But now I will have my revenge. One day my child, my mother's grandchild, will take the English throne.