This little-known animated version of "Last of the Mohicans" is one of my favorite animated shorts of all time. The animation is not exactly top-quality, but it often has the feel of a watercolor. The grays and purples of the woodland dawn are beautiful and actually feel like the North American outdoors. The voicework is top-quality, and the percussion-based score is haunting, mysterious, and moody. The Native-American characters are admirable and strong, which is a refreshing change from most Hollywood depictions. The action and intrigue is kid-friendly, but serious and tense at the same time. The makers took some liberty with Fenimore Cooper's original story, but I believe the changes make it a bit better. If you are able to find this film, SEE IT!! I highly recommend it to everyone. I taped it off the TV back in the 80s, and I still enjoy it from time to time.