Tazz, Val Venis, Bull Buchanan, The Goodfather/Godfather, Test, Chyna, Repo Man, Tugboat, Earthquake, The Bushwhackers, Nikolai Volkoff, Doink the Clown, One Man Gang, Sgt Slaughter, Hillbilly Jim, and The Iron Sheik's last WrestleMania match.
During the match between Raven, Kane, and The Big Show for the WWF Hardcore Championship, Raven drives a golf cart with Big Show trying to stop him (as the match progressed backstage) and accidentally crashed it into a gap by the fence he was trying to swerve around into some production wires. He was later told by the production crew that he came within several inches from blacking out the entire stadium.
Mick Foley was asked to be Vince McMahon's opponent but he turned the match down. Foley had retired from wrestling at the time. McMahon instead wrestled his son, Shane McMahon, with Foley as the referee. Foley has stated that not wrestling in the match is one of his biggest regrets of his career.
Final WWF PPV appearance for Jim Cornette.
According to Duane Gill, he was supposed to participate in the Gimmick Battle Royal as Gillberg, but, in his words, "I made it to the curtain and I had three seconds to go and they stopped me. I was standing getting ready to go out of the curtain for the Gimmick Battle Royal and they stopped me three seconds before I walked through the curtain and said sorry you can't go. They thought Bill (Goldberg) was coming in for the first time and they didn't know how he would react. They just kind of freaked out. I understand the business but you want to talk about crushing man, it killed me. It was a hard one to take and ever since then I want to go back. I've got to make it through that (WrestleMania) curtain."