The box of the Sony Walkman CD player that Will gives to Marcus can be seen on the coffee table before Marcus has unwrapped it.
After the Christmas dinner, a clip of Marcus in school is followed by New Year's Eve with Will and Rachel. There is no school between Christmas and New Year's in the UK.
At the end of the movie, before Will sits on the couch with Marcus, he picks up a nearly full bottle of beer. When he sits on the couch, the beer bottle is almost empty.
The vase of flowers that Marcus places on the table (just when his finds his mother's suicide note) moves repeatedly between shots.
When Will is at the single parent meeting, his hair changes repeatedly between shots.
Marcus really wants his mum to come and hear him sing, and she really wants to go. However, instead of arriving at the school early as others do to take a seat before the concert (and Marcus's performance) begins, she is shown attending a SPAT meeting and is still there well after the show begins. In fact, it takes a high-speed car journey across town to make it a few seconds before his performance starts. She is so late, she actually has to stand at the back of the hall.
However, it is not uncommon for parents to feel the need to attend to business at the expense of supporting their children, whether it be sporting events, dramatic arts, or even just spending time with them.
However, it is not uncommon for parents to feel the need to attend to business at the expense of supporting their children, whether it be sporting events, dramatic arts, or even just spending time with them.
Will doesn't fit in the coffee holder in the espresso machine correctly, but still manages to make a cup of coffee.