I liked this movie: yes I was raised in the church, yes I was (and still am) a huge fan of the Christian alternative music genres, yes I do believe in God, and yes I'm not living with my parents anymore. That being said, growing up in the church, the usual activities and such offered to kids and teens were just plain pathetic. They lacked the element of cool that all kids thirst for and can't get enough of. So it's no surprise that a lot of kids and teens in the church and youth groups now still love this movie. It wasn't some Cheap barney with bible verses rip off or corny, poorly acted, "it could happen to you-Jesus loves everybody" films they push on kids all the time. It was funny, killer music, decent quality of film and film-making and extreme sports footage that kids will watch back to back to back until they can't stay awake anymore. I know the sports footage wasn't really them, but I never expected them to really do their own stunts. Can any actor really act and execute a darkslide with equal skill? This movie was a hope to teens and kids who thought Christian life and faith in God meant you had to be boring and uncool. Not stellar, but worth a weekend rental.