This is the first season of Power Rangers with no appearance of Bulk and Skull.
This season of Power Rangers has two firsts: one is the fact that the rangers morph in plain sight of civilians, as opposed to previous seasons where the rangers were told to keep their identities a secret; and also because the Zords were created by human hands, and had no mystical or extraterrestrial origins.
The Titanium Ranger character was created specifically for the American incarnation of the show and did not had a Japanese counterpart. The original Japanese show, Go Go V, did not have a sixth ranger. However, in the Go Go V movie, it did feature a transforming sixth member, the Demon Hunter, who died in battle but gave his powers to the Tatsumi's friend, Ryoko, who wanted to be part of the Go Go V team got her chance to despite fighting for only 15 some odd seconds.
This is the first time in the series, in which the villains are not intergalactic being.
Rhett Fisher was a fan of Power Rangers that had actually auditioned for the show twice before landing the part of Ryan.