Back in the '80s and before, you were allowed to see violent movies for adults.
Robocop was a movie you took your kids to see and we loved it. But that was before parents assumed that their kids were all idiots that couldn't distinguish between real l9ife and movies.
Now the assumption is that kids today are fragile and vulnerable and the slightest stimulation will destroy their psyche and leave them in a catatonic state.
That's what happens when you listen to psychologists.
Moving back to the '80s, Robocop was rater "R" and every kid wanted to see it, so parents took their children to the movies and it became a hit.
It became so much of a hit with kids that they made a cartoon out of it, because back then we could understand movies made for adults and enjoy them as much as we could dumb the obvious anti-privatization satire in the original Robocop film.
And the cartoon wasn't dumbed down. Robocop's origin story was left unchanged and even rehashed. The blood was significantly less, but the story of the police killing was the same.
And it didn't warp anyone.
The only thing was...we wanted Robocop and the cartoon was a little too cheap to stand up to the movie.