My girlfriend and i decided to rent this film on DVD one night, the cover catching my eye, especially as it namechecks the excellent 'seven'......Imagine then my horror as we watched the most dreadful, poorly acted, cheesy film ever made unfold before our eyes. My girlfriend instantly fell in love with the appalling acting of MR GARY BUSEY, who has now become a cult figure in our homes. The acting in this film really is second to none, BUSEY being the main culprit, for example the moment were the idiot looks lovingly across the street at his girlfriend, with a big cheesy grin on his face, and the way he reacts to a serial killer as if his granny had popped round for tea. There are also blatant errors in the film, like the fake plastic bottle, AND most unforgivingly the moment were Stefan (vosloo) hits Nelson (busey) with a dummies arm, and once he is knocked on the floor Busey is replaced by a stand in, WITH A TERRIBLE BLONDE WIG ON, it is so obviously not busey, why did they need a stand in for him laying on the floor? and also the is a busey stand in running through the crowd moments earlier......other highlights include.........Busey's reaction when he hears stefan on the phone (priceless).......Busey's silly giggle at the end......when busey dresses as a woman to get past the cops, and the realize its him, so they get in the car and drive off in the opposite direction instead of running round the corner to get him.......My girlfriend and i went and bought the film on DVD and now watch it a couple of times a week......dreadful film but its so bad you gotta get it....LONG LIVE GARY BUSEY