SAMURAI BALLET finds Alexander Hell, played by International Action Star and Martial Arts Master Scott Shaw, teaming up with the ancient Samurai, Lord Kaga, in quest of Hell's love, Kala, wh... Read allSAMURAI BALLET finds Alexander Hell, played by International Action Star and Martial Arts Master Scott Shaw, teaming up with the ancient Samurai, Lord Kaga, in quest of Hell's love, Kala, who has been kidnapped and taken into the dark abyss by the evil Warlord. Part Martial Art F... Read allSAMURAI BALLET finds Alexander Hell, played by International Action Star and Martial Arts Master Scott Shaw, teaming up with the ancient Samurai, Lord Kaga, in quest of Hell's love, Kala, who has been kidnapped and taken into the dark abyss by the evil Warlord. Part Martial Art Film. Part Cinematic Fantasy. Filmed entirely on Super 8 Film. This is a rare piece of Scot... Read all