This cartoon was the first English adaptation of an anime series intended for young female audiences. It was also the first English adaptation of a "magical girl" (female character or characters using magic) anime.
When Sailor Moon does the "In the name of the moon" speech, Sailor Moon makes the American Sign Language symbol for "I Love You" with her hands.
In the original series, Amara and Michelle (Sailor Uranus and Neptune, respectively) were lesbian lovers. In the original American version by Cloverway, they changed them to cousins. This caused more problems than it solved, though, because it was obvious that they were also lovers from the way they acted (including a long scene of them touching hands and looking lovingly into each others' eyes, animated with romantic, blurry watercolour-like drawings).
In the original manga, Tuxedo Mask never once throws a rose as an attack.
When Luna checks out the arcade and enter her password is, I love tuna fish and fieldmouse pudding. In the original, the password is: the rabbit of the Moon pounds rice. This password refers to Serena's Japanese name Usagi Tsukino, which means 'rabbit of the moon'. The Japanese have a legend about a rabbit in the moon that makes mochi (pounded rice) much like the European/American legend of the man in the moon. (episode 1.05 "Computer School Blues").