Dolly Parton wrote and sang the song "I Will Always Love You". In an interview on the Graham Norton show, she said that when they asked to use the song for the movie, she sent it in and forgot about it. Then one day she was driving from her office to her house in Nashville when she heard Whitney Houston's version on the radio. She had to pull over to the side of the road in order to finish listening to it, because she was blown away by how beautifully the song was done, and by how beautifully Whitney Houston sang it.
This was Whitney Houston's first movie role. Kevin Costner was one of the movie's producers. He campaigned to have Houston play Rachel.
In 2019, Kevin Costner revealed that the woman he is carrying on the movie poster wasn't Whitney Houston, but her double. Whitney had left the set, so Kevin Costner decided to shoot the picture with her double. He only told her to keep her face hidden, so she could show the fear that the character was experiencing. Costner picked the definitive photo that was later used in the movie poster.
Rachel's mansion is the same mansion as the "horse's head in the bed" Jack Woltz mansion in "The Godfather (1972)."