I only watched this movie in the first place because I always kind of had a crush on Corey Haim. The plot didn't sound particularly interesting or original -- I didn't expect much. But this movie surprised me. It is without question messy -- it needs more time for character development, it goes right for a bunch of stereotypes that take away some of its credibility. But there's a lot in this film that's worth considering. The idea is half-"1984," half-"Lord of the Flies" -- a futuristic society where kids rule the world, yet there's less freedom or honesty than ever. It's a little scary in that thrilling way because it's something you can imagine, especially in light of recent history. And the constant use of iconography from the "Golden Age" of family values in American culture was stunning (an evil character named "Bullwinkle," an otherwise-bleak roller park with a giant record painted on the ground, Patricia Arquette's many costumes including cowgirl and sailorette). This is a movie that would do well to be remade a little more carefully. More focus on the obvious symbolism, more thought given to character. I'd like to see that, because I actually think this story has quite a bit to say to us today that might have seemed unimportant in 1991.