Set in the 1880's, this fictional film blends real-life characters as a teen jumps freight trains in his trek to find his father who has been accused of murder. Heading to Winnipeg where his... Read allSet in the 1880's, this fictional film blends real-life characters as a teen jumps freight trains in his trek to find his father who has been accused of murder. Heading to Winnipeg where his father and a friend, the real killer, have gone, he is befriended by a mountie who starts... Read allSet in the 1880's, this fictional film blends real-life characters as a teen jumps freight trains in his trek to find his father who has been accused of murder. Heading to Winnipeg where his father and a friend, the real killer, have gone, he is befriended by a mountie who starts watching out after him after he is arrested for stealing a purse.