My review was written in June 1989 after watching the movie on Imperial Entertainment video cassette.
"Action U. S. A.", originally called "A Handful of Trouble", is an above-average chase picture headed direct-to-video in American stores this month.
Thi is an excellent example of the type of escapist fun that packed drive-in theaters as recently as a decade ago but is now without a natural home. Title change to a generic moniker reflects the pic's aim toward foreign audiences.
Unusual heroine Barri Murphy (not afraid to the her hair mussed up in the action) stars as Carmen, on the run from gangsters when her boyfriend (Rod Shaft, a good handle for a car-pic thesp) is rubbed out for stealing diamonds and she's a witness.
Chase format involves topnotch stunts, with cars frequently flying through the air and luxury cars demolished. Solid teaming of Gregory Scott Cummins and William Hubbard Knight as a pair of FBI men protecting Murphy adds flesh to the streamlined Texas-lensed opus.