The Czech movie industry is famous for its masterpieces. And when they meet a genius as Hrabal the outcome is excellent. The story is about a country-side brewery somewhere in Czech republic, at the beginning of the 20th century (maybe right after WWI). We get a very good picture of the nature of czech people influenced by the rigurous Germans (represented by the manager of the brewery) and the cheerful slavic nature of men who like good food and lots of beer. We get also a glimpse of the beauty of the Czech women in the person of the wife of the manager. The movie shows also very well the change of the society in those times. At the beginning everything is happening slowly, everybody is calm, and gradually things quicken up, distances shorten and the world is changing radically.
If you like american comedy, please don't watch this movie. You won't understand it. But if you like to see a good European movie, you should not miss this.