- Porthos: You know, it strikes me that we would be better employed wringing Milady's pretty neck than shooting these poor devils of Protestants. I mean, what are we killing them for? Because they sing psalms in French and we sing them in Latin?
- Aramis: Porthos, have you no education? What do you think religious wars are all about?
- [after seeing Athos stumble down a flight of stairs]
- D'Artagnan: Athos, are you hurt?
- Athos: Hurt? What I am is drunk.
- D'Artagnan: [reciting from memory the letter Richelieu wrote giving Milady de Winter permission to kill Buckingham, d'Artagnan and Constance, as Richelieu reads the actual note which D'Artagnan has handed him] "By my order and for the good of the state, the bearer has done what has been done."
- Cardinal Richelieu: Hm. One should be careful what one writes...
- [he tears up the note]
- Cardinal Richelieu: and to whom one gives it. I must bear those rules in mind.
- Athos: And you mark this: you kill Buckingham or have him killed, it's no matter to me. He's an Englishman and an enemy. But you touch one hair of D'Artagnan's head and I swear, as God is my judge, I'll break you on the wheel with my own hand.
- MiLady DeWinter: No. Monsieur D'Artagnan has assaulted me, insulted me...
- Athos: [shouts] Since when has it been possible to insult *you*, Madame?
- MiLady DeWinter: And he will die for it.
- Athos: [produces a pistol] Have you ever seen a woman shot in the stomach? You know me, Milady. Give me the papers the Cardinal wrote just now. I'll give you five seconds.
- Cardinal Richelieu: [to D'Artagnan] I don't make such an offer twice in one day. But if you should survive to return to Paris, then you may see my hand stretched out to you once more. For then, you would be a very remarkable young man indeed. I would remark on it to people.
- [Richelieu has given D'Artagnan a commission as a lieutenant in the Musketeers]
- D'Artagnan: It is too much! I cannot accept it. Athos, you take it.
- Athos: No, for the Comte de la Fère it is too little; for Athos, too much.
- Cardinal Richelieu: Spy... it is a foul word.
- Rochefort: It is a familiar word to me, Eminence, in your service.
- Cardinal Richelieu: [glares at Rochefort, then] On your knees, little man, before your master!
- Aramis: [upon learning that a bottle of wine is poisoned] I always had my doubts about the Anjou '22.
- MiLady DeWinter: I have affairs to be settled.
- Cardinal Richelieu: I'm not concerned with your affairs.
- MiLady DeWinter: I would wish it.
- Cardinal Richelieu: I'm not concerned with your wishes, Milady.
- Duke of Buckingham: [upon learning that Milady had planned to kill him] Trust to the Cardinal to employ every diplomatic argument. At least it relieves my conscience of any doubts I may have had of assisting the French rebels.
- MiLady DeWinter: I shall inform His Eminence.
- Duke of Buckingham: Lady, you'll inform no one! You came here as an ambassadress, but by God, you'll *stay* here as an assassin!
- Athos: [He has cornered the fleeing Milady after her murder of Constance] You won't need a horse on the journey you're taking, Madame. I warned you, did I not?
- Cardinal Richelieu: These enemies are the enemies of France. Root them out under my protection. Wear my coat
- [of arms]
- Cardinal Richelieu: . Have my love.
- D'Artagnan: Eminence, what can I say?
- Cardinal Richelieu: "Yes" will be sufficient.
- D'Artagnan: I - I can't.
- Cardinal Richelieu: ...You're very wet.
- D'Artagnan: Wet or dry, I cannot.
- Aramis: [to D'Artagnan] Let us rescue your mistress. It's the very least one can do for a friend.
- D'Artagnan: If she can stay with the Sisters
- [in a convent]
- D'Artagnan: while we're at La Rochelle...
- Porthos: I'm sure they'll learn a great deal from each other.
- Athos: [He is face to face with Milady] The Gascon was right... you're still beautiful.
- [He advances into the light; she recognizes him]
- MiLady DeWinter: The Comte de la Fere!
- Athos: No, Milady. The Comte de la Fere is dead. You killed me years ago... out riding on a summer's day.
- [Her hand strays towards the hidden brand on her left shoulder]
- Athos: It's burned no deeper into you than it is into me.
- Athos: [the Musketeers have captured MiLady] As the Comte de la Fere; with the rights of high, middle and low justice, I accuse this woman of the murder of Constance de Bonacieux. How say you?
- Aramis: Death.
- Porthos: Death.
- D'Artagnan: [Hesitating] Death.
- Athos: Death.
- MiLady DeWinter: No! You have no power of justice over me! D'Artagnan! If you love me; do not let them do this!
- Athos: Make one move to save her, D'Artagnan and we will cross swords; and this time, I swear I will kill you.
- D'Artagnan: [of Milady] I love her with my head. But my Constance, snatched from my side, I love with my heart.
- Athos: You have a conveniently discriminating anatomy.
- Cardinal Richelieu: [to Milady about Buckingham] The queen of France, for whom he bears love - my word on this, as sure as I love - will be dragged out and paraded in dishonor.
- D'Artagnan: [He and the others are headed for the bastion at St. Rochelle for a wagered breakfast and a private talk] Seems a long way to go for breakfast.
- MiLady DeWinter: What do you want of me? There's nothing between us.
- Athos: Thank God! But there might be.
- D'Artagnan: [holding Milady at bay with the point of his sword after she has tried to stab him with a poisoned dagger] Try that again and I'll cut some fleur-de-lys on the rest of you!
- Porthos: [to Constance after the three musketeers have dropped her off at the convent] Don't let them get you into any dirty habits!
- Swiss Officer: Warm work, gentlemen. And where were the Musketeers?
- Aramis: At our prayers, sir, like good Christians!
- Swiss Officer: Ha! By God, sir, so was I! And with good reason. That bastion was buzzing like a beehive.
- Athos: And yet you did not stay for breakfast, sir.
- Swiss Officer: Neither would you.
- Athos: Hmm. Will you bet on that? I'll wager you, better more I will wager you the finest dinner on this camp that my friends and I will have breakfast on that bastion, now.
- Swiss Officer: [laughs] Done. Done! Do you hear that, Spengler? You and I will eat that big dinner alone, I think!
- D'Artagnan: What is it? What's new?
- Porthos: Ah. Our good friends Athos proposes to have us killed for breakfast. Up yonder.
- D'Artagnan: What?
- Athos: Planchet, get me a basket, some bread, and four cold chickens. Ham, some oysters, and eight bottles of wine, now.
- Planchet: Oh fine.
- Porthos: And make the wine champagne.
- Aramis: At breakfast? Oh my dear Porthos.
- Porthos: There was work! Fighting in the King's service against the Protestant rebels of La Rochelle. You see, we and the King and Cardinal were trying to teach the rebels the meaning of Christian charity by bombarding them into surrender. What? Well, what better way to deal with those rascals with their working class ideas about religion.
- Rochefort: I don't know what he'd say if he knew we had his slut of a dressmaker under lock and key.
- Athos: Tell me something. Is your Milady as beautiful as the dew?
- D'Artagnan: She's as magnificent as summer's dew. As that.
- Athos: I beg of you forget her. She will do you some mischief.
- Swiss Officer: The problems at the siege of La Rochelle were immense, mainly because no one would listen to me. For example, I should have deployed the siege towers at dawn. No, no, before dawn.