Massimo Dallamano was going to direct this movie in order to complete his 'school girl in peril' trilogy but died in a car crash before production began.
Of the 12 college girls seen in the scenes where they play basketball and then take off their tracksuits in the locker room, only three, (Carolin Ohrner ,Taida Urruzola and Silvia Aguilar), are also present in the subsequent shower scene.
While she was in Rome filming her scenes, Christine Kaufmann stayed with her close friend Marisa Mell who had offered her to stay at her apartment for the duration of her stay.
Asked about the several nude scenes, director Alberto Negrin said, "I have no memory of editing cuts, like 'this can't be shown'. At the time the nude was very common in that type of cinema, because it was part of the public's interest, a bit morbid."
The Wizard Video release (entitled "Trauma") credits Arthur Kennedy on the cover, even though he's nowhere in the movie.