"Appointment with a Shadow" is a gritty film starring George Nader, a famous American actor whose career slid into obscurity after it was revealed he was gay. It's a shame, as he was very good in this film and his Jerry Cotton spy films of the 1960s...which were filmed in Germany since American studios would no longer hire him.
When the story starts, you see that Paul Baxter (Nader) is a falling down drunk...and it's pretty much ruined his career as a reporter. His girlfriend, Penny (Joanna Moore), is almost ready to walk, but she gives him an ultimatum and one more chance. Although it's very tough, Paul tries his best to stay away from alcohol and write an article he can be proud of creating. The problem is when he sees a murder, the cops don't believe him...and assume he's drunk. So he has to find someone who believes him, as his reputation is so bad, no one seems to believe him. And, in the meantime, a mobster is out to keep Paul quiet...permanently!
Nader was very good playing a drunk. He didn't overplay it (an easy trap to fall into) and was quite good in this noir movie. It also helped that the writing was exceptional. Overall, a terrific film...one that deserves to be more well known.